The birth of our existence

The Pionering

of the American West

The romantics, the rebels, the wild hearts, the creatives, the adventure seekers, the outlaws, the pioneers — each given a true rebirth when put into the desert. There are not many places around the world that provide this wild yet unique feeling of freedom, in all the senses of the word. Not many places can leave a person feeling so vast, so full, so inspired, so creative, so in love, so themselves, and so wild all at once.

The American West represents this exact reinvention of the soul, with Suroeste following suit. We exist to replicate the feeling of being immersed in the desert, to bring people to this sense of wild creativity and then document the process. We exist to capture passionate love stories in a way that feels and looks exhilarating and to bring something to life, whether that be moments from a wedding, a couple’s love, or a feeling in the soul.





a trusted group of talented creatives.

Accompany us on any adventure and you will be provided with our incredible team that will match your needs. To maintain storytelling consistency, our team of photographers and videographers shoot in the same editorial and edgy style, capturing authentic and stylized moments in the same pro-level gear. Frankie Gomez and his editing team hand select and edit each image to create one-of-a-kind art.






A child of the desert, a rebellious lover, and a creative entrepreneur.

Frankie Gomez was born a creative with huge heart for storytelling and capturing moments in the Southwest. Suroeste was built on his shoulders and has now transformed into a full team that travels the west capturing rebellious lovers and editorial brands.





Together Journal

Rock and Roll Bride

Rocky Mountain Bride

New Mexico True

New Mexico Magazine

Western Wedding Magazine


Elopement love

Dancing With Her

 Follow along

On our adventures.